Change management covers the processes, tools, and strategies that a company needs to improve its performance or culture or to achieve goals and address issues.
Change is never easy, and companies often find that employees are reluctant and even obstructive when asked to adapt a different way of acting, handling projects, developing products, interacting with customers, and so on. But in today’s global, regulated, and innovative economy, change is a necessity to keep up with and surpass the competition.
Whether you are a leader in change management or one of a team who instituted changes, your experience is valuable. Are you familiar with Kanban, Lean, Six Sigma, 5S or other efficiency and productivity programs? Are you involved with the IT side of change management or the human resources side or with C-level strategy?
Change management involves many different levels in an organization from executives to stakeholders to hourly employees. Have you demonstrated the ability to communicate at different levels and to lead a change, no matter how minor, that increased the efficiency, improved the culture, or addressed a persistent problem in the company?
Change management is also an integral part of coaching, mentoring, and training employees. In this case, you may not be affecting the organization as a whole, just one individual. But if you enabled that individual to perform better and advance in the organization, you performed a service that many companies appreciate. You are able to develop talent that the company needs.
Often, when we are in the midst of change, we do not give ourselves credit for simple survival. Did your company experience a merger, leadership changes, downsizing, or an acquisition or divestiture during your time there? Those are stressful events. If you were asked to stay on during and after those changes, you are clearly a valued employee. If you helped to make the transition easier, you have demonstrated skills that make you attractive to other companies.
Let Robin’s Resumes® help you discover your change management successes and promote them in your resume.