One of my most rewarding responsibilities as a professional resume writer is to remind job seekers how much they have accomplished in their careers. As job seekers, we may undervalue our contribution; forget details; struggle with explaining what we do; worry about appearing either boastful or unimportant; and overlook “soft” skills, like the ability to communicate with fellow employees at all levels.
I have developed a questionnaire that helps to dig out those hidden, forgotten, or wrongly undervalued skills and achievements. My professional writing skills and technical background, as a graduate of MIT, enable me to clearly explain even the most complicated and technical job functions in language that attracts both hiring managers and technical managers. In addition, I keep current with the soft skills that companies want in their employees and know how to present them in the context of your accomplishments.
A resume that is truthful neither exaggerates nor dismisses your skills, education, and contributions. If you need help in finding out how great you are—and letting future employers know—contact Robin’s Resumes® today.