Your resume introduces you to a company and puts you in line for an interview. But your resume is also an essential part of your preparation for that interview.
First, suppose you tried, without a resume, to keep the exact same information on employment websites, social media like LinkedIn, personal contact, networking, email and snail mail. It would be very difficult to avoid minor errors and contradictions while juggling all those resources. However, an employer who reads one thing on-line and hears another at the interview becomes confused and even suspicious. A resume is a standard resource you can consult to keep all your communications on point and consistent all the time.
Second, suppose you interviewed for a job without a resume. Would you be able to remember every position you held, every skill you learned, every achievement you accomplished?
The resume reminds you of the facts of your employment (exact name of company, exact dates of employment) but more importantly it reminds you of the journey you have taken, from new hire to experienced professional with value to contribute. Memory might trick you into believing that your skills and accomplishments were easily gained; the resume reminds you how hard you worked for your success and how much acquired talent you bring to a new employer. That confidence boost is essential to interviewing well.
Last, at some point in the interview, you will need to convince an interviewer that you have the “soft” skills that most companies want—ability to work in a team, accept feedback, find solutions rather than dwelling on problems, and so on. Through the story told by your accomplishments, a resume prepares you to answer interview questions like, “What is the hardest challenge you have overcome in your career?” or “How would you handle a difficult subordinate?”
I write resumes that help job candidates at every stage of their job search, from first contact through final interview. Contact me today.