Now that the Federal government job application process no longer requires KSAs to be individually written, there is some confusion on how to respond when KSAs and other questions are stated in either the announcement or as requirements to answer during the application process.
AS WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE: Robin’s Resumes® INCLUDES examples (BEST) and duties showing YOUR experience and expertise to answer ALL of the KSAs and QUESTIONS in the announcement. We also address all of the job responsibilities in the announcement to show how YOU (if you have done so) have added value by doing the exact or similar assignments during your career (or have gained knowledge on how to do so – if the job is a lower level position).
Unlike some other companies specializing in Federal resumes, we have not had to change our resume style to meet the changes in the Federal application requirements, since we ALWAYS believed the resume needed to stand alone and describe all of YOUR experience. Since this always has been our style, we can help you get the Federal job you want.