Keeping track of a modern supply chain requires expert skills in technology tools, cross-border and often cross-ocean transportation, and budget, people, and time alignment. When you are ready to start looking for a new job or advance your career as a supply chain executive, make sure that your resume highlights:
- Specific savings in resources. Did you cut transportation costs by X amount of dollars, reduce the time from order to delivery by X days or weeks or months, and increase the productivity of your team by X amount? The figures represented by those Xs are essential to hiring managers and recruiters—numbers talk when they are considering your potential as a supply chain executive.
- Experience with technology tools. Current and future trends include continuous intelligence for processing data (reducing human bias), cybersecurity, Internet of Things devices like driverless forklifts, and virtual training, including the use of virtual reality simulations. Companies employ technology to support the “circular economy,” which strives to reduce waste throughout the supply chain.
- Ability to work with a diverse team. At least basic conversational skill in another language, international travel, and prior experience working across borders has become more important as supply chains stretch around the globe. Closer to home, your team may include people from every demographic, including age, religion, ethnicity, and education. Your commitment to diversity and inclusion is important.
- Relevant experience. Executives typically have a long work history, so ensure that you focus on the experience most important to the company and devote the most space to your most recent achievements. Begin every achievement statement with what you accomplished as a supply chain executive, and then briefly detail how and why, as policies and procedures may differ from company to company.
- Planning and risk management skills. The longer the supply chain, the more likely disruptions will occur, as we have seen throughout the pandemic. Many companies are now investigating ways to bring their raw materials closer to their location. Showcase your past successes in planning and risk management and your ability to overcome supply chain challenges.
Robin Schlinger, founder and chief writer at Robin’s Resumes®, has worked in the manufacturing environment as an engineer and is well aware of the importance of supply chains and the executives who oversee them. For a resume that makes hiring managers and recruiters take notice, contact Robin’s Resumes® today.