Looking for a job is difficult, whether you are employed or not. You may be pressured by personal finances, family, and friends; you may be frustrated by a company’s slow decision making or the lack of any response to your resumes or interviews.
Time for a break.
Take 24 hours to forget about your job search completely, and when the 24 hours are over, consider whether the following shifts in your methodology and outlook might help:
- Change your networking method. If you have been mainly connecting with people online, try face-to-face; if face-to-face, try online. Sometimes simply breaking a pattern refreshes a job search.
- Broaden your search. Look at the jobs you are applying for and consider whether you have limited yourself to a certain job title, industry, or even geographic area. If your limits are too tight, you may be shutting yourself out of jobs you are qualified for and would enjoy.
- Thank someone. Thank a hiring manager or recruiter in your cover email for considering your application; thank interviewers for their time; thank the people you network with for their interest and conversation; thank your family/friends/associates for their patience and suggestions. A “thank you” creates stronger bonds.
- Take a fresh look at your resume. Is it targeted for the job you want? Is it specific about what you have accomplished in the past? Did you proofread it? (Do not rely solely on online spelling and grammar checkers; they miss and often randomly change important words.) Is it simply but professionally formatted?
- Ask for professional help. You may need a consult with a certified career transition coach; you may need the insight of a professional resume writer. Asking for help could save you from weeks of unemployment or unhappiness in your current job.
At Robin’s Resumes®, we are prepared to help you find a new outlook and renewed momentum during your job search. Contact us today.