If you are searching for your first full-time job or if you were recently laid off, you may be suffering from doubts about your qualifications. You may not even know if you want to continue on the career path that your education best fits you for or that you have been following so far. How do you know what direction to take now?
Your first step should be to search through employment websites, online job postings, and print job advertisements looking not for job titles but for skills. If you begin with your skill set, you may find that you qualify for more jobs than you thought possible. For example, the following job titles may all involve the same exact skills: executive secretary, executive assistant, office manager, office administrator, and project coordinator.
Your second step is to think about geography and industry. Find out what companies are available in your preferred region and/or industry, and monitor their websites for openings that might match your qualifications. You might also contact these companies to let them know about your interest.
Your third step is to talk to people in the industries and companies you are considering. If you are shy about making personal requests, LinkedIn and similar online sites are excellent ways to connect. In general, people are delighted to talk about their profession and share their expertise. By asking questions, you may find out that you have more transferrable and valuable skills than you thought. You might even find a lead to a job.
When you have a better idea of your career goals, it is time to write your resume for the job you want. As I have often stressed in these blogs, you cannot write a strong resume for “any job.” If you have taken these steps and are still struggling, please contact me. As a Master Career Director and certified Job and Career Transition Coach (JCTC) as well as a professional resume writer, I am ready to help.